Thursday, December 28, 2006

A brief departure from my theme - but the museum has to have refreshments: some years Christmas presents fall into categories. One year everyone gave me some version of coffee and also sharp knives.
"H'm," said Anna, "Alert and aggressive!" This year I have had an undiluted diet of good things to eat, mostly chocolate, some with a bit of marzipan or nougat thrown in for good measure, but all delicious yummy naughty lovely stuff. Today D&P are coming for Christmas dinner (they've been away) so I've put what's left on this silver cake stand. I suppose it's not really too much of a deviation, because it is the cake stand my Christening cake sat on, and if I had a scanner I'd show you a picture of me with that cake, lying on my Joseph blanket (which I still have) and with my mum's basket (you've guessed it) beside me. This is all I have time for now or my porridge will burn. Happy Christmas! We're only on Day 4 of 12 you know!



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