The Porridge Pot

I loved the way we hadn't tried to bulldoze each other the first time. I'd told her what I thought and she'd told me, but there'd been no big effort put into convincing the other of the rightness of one's point of view. Of course I was delighted that she'd thought further, but I didn't crow and say, "I told you so!"
After she died, I'm not sure how it was that I got to keep the pot, but it reminded me of the gentle firmness and firm gentleness of our relationship. It's very hard to throw it away though as you can see (below), I really should! I think I will chuck the handle. The pan can go into the garden and the little bits of metal into the recycling now. I wasn't sure how to move the picture. By accident I squashed it, then stretched it out again, so I hope it's back to its correct size. I'm a bit nervous about apostrophes this morning because I've visited 2 websites and written to the contact people to complain about misplaced apostrophes. I'm almost bound to trip up myself after that..........

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